Yes, I'll miss The Real Housewives and Top Chef and whatever other new show I'm bound to be addicted to *BUT* I'm doing something better. I got off my stripey-tight covered butt and am hitting the road!

It only takes 158 days or so, 6 different UW program changes, 2 jumbo-sized boxes of tissues, 3 surprise vaccinations, countless re-packing of your backpack and your entire piddley life savings to get to Cambodia, Thailand, France, Italy, Spain and New Zealand... Wowie bun bun!

Let's see how I do...

Saturday, January 9, 2010

One Night In Bangkok

In my first hour in Bangkok, the city gave to me: The best pineapple I've ever had...

In the second hour in Bangkok, the city gave to me: Two fresh squeezed oj's and the best pineapple I've ever had.

In the third hour in Bangkok, the city gave to me: Three tuk tuks honking, two fresh squeezed oj's and the best pineapple I've ever had.

In the fourth hour in Bangkok, the city gave to me: Four curry vendors, three tuk tuks honking, two fresh squeezed oj's and the best pineapple I've ever had.

In the fifth hour in Bangkok, the city gave to me: Five COCK-ROACH-ESSSS!!!!, four curry vendors, three tuk tuks honking, two fresh squeezed oj's and the best pineapple I've ever had.

In the sixth hour in Bangkok, the city gave to me: Six old white dude & Thai lady couples, Five COCK-ROACH-ESSSS!!!, four curry vendors, three tuk tuks honking, two fresh squeezed oj's and the best pineapple I've ever had.

In the seventh hour in Bangkok, the city gave to me: Seven million 7-11's...

Ok... you get the point.

I'm in Bangkok! We came on, uh, what day is this? Saturday? We came on Monday, stayed one night, then headed to the beach for a few. We just got back and are rested and relaxed and ready to shop! The city is alive with street vendors, every kind of yummy thai dish you could want, all the cheap crappy sunglasses and wallets you don't and people people people everywhere. So far it's been great, except for the cockroaches we saw in the street. Gwenn tried to get me to think about them as "big beetles" but hell to the no. I remember a day of cockroaches in Arizona when our neighbor decided to bug bomb the sewer and it caused a swarm of cockroaches to invade our street. And our kitchen sink. Gives me shivers to this day. Plus, I'm wearing flip-flops and it would be so easy for one to jump on me, crawl up my body, into my ear and lay its eggs IN MY BRAIN. We can't have that can we???

I truly have been eating my way across Thailand. There is just so much yummy (and strange) food to be eaten. We've been doing our part to keep the street vendors in business, buying fresh oj or carrot juice, pineapple, pineapple, pineapple, pad thai, unidentified rice dishes, mango and sweet rice, Thai tea, green curry, cashew chicken, Chinese donuts and various treats to ensure my pants won't slip off my hips anytime soon. It's great.

It's so hot here I'm pretty sure I lose 2 pounds a day, anyway. I'm glad we have access to laundry because my borrowed backpack is getting a we bit toxic. (Sorry, Michele.) On the plus side, my pores have never been cleaner! And I've gained 7 new freckles from the sun.

We checked out the Vespa market tonight, which lives up to it's name. The Thai hipsters are super into all things retro, especially Vespas. This market had almost as many bike part vendors as anything else. We did get some yummy treats for dinner (surprise!) and I scored two super cute tank tops for $8. (Total. Did I mention everything is pretty cheap? Not as cheap as Cambodia, but nearly...) Tomorrow we're heading to one of the largest markets here, the Chatachak weekend market. Our hotel is next to Lumphini Park so we'll get to see all the Tai Chi'ers on the way if we get our butts out of bed early enough. If not, I'll just peek from our window. This may not be America, but I can still do whatever I want. I'm on vacation!

Speaking of... I need to hit the hay. We'll be here for the next three days, shopping, eating and resting in the best hotel room I've ever been in. I'll update on the Temples we saw in Cambodia, our time in the beach town Hua Hin and our exciting hotel black out our first night here. !!!


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