Yes, I'll miss The Real Housewives and Top Chef and whatever other new show I'm bound to be addicted to *BUT* I'm doing something better. I got off my stripey-tight covered butt and am hitting the road!

It only takes 158 days or so, 6 different UW program changes, 2 jumbo-sized boxes of tissues, 3 surprise vaccinations, countless re-packing of your backpack and your entire piddley life savings to get to Cambodia, Thailand, France, Italy, Spain and New Zealand... Wowie bun bun!

Let's see how I do...

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Boodely Toodely Hoodely

I know I've used it before and and my evening warrants another shout of it: OMG What a day. My train travels weren't too bad, except for accidentally getting on the wrong train (got off at the next stop and found the right one right away... phew) and THEN THEN THEN after all day transferring here and running around there and train train train I get to Corniglia at 7:30. ( There's supposed to be a bus to take me to town at 8pm but I arrive to a deserted train station. In the dark. The only soul around is a stray dog who seems very sympathetic to my plight.

Did you know there are 377 steps to get to the town center? Did you know my luggage now weighs 61 pounds? Did you know the only way into town is up those steps? I HAD TO DRAG MY LUGGAGE UP THESE STEPS!!! In the dark. I got lost twice trying to get to the stairs after giving up on the bus. There was no phone at the station and I was worried I wasn't going to have a room since I would end up being and hour later than I told the inn keeper I'd be. Plus I couldn't find the frickin steps! Did I mention I lost my glasses somewhere in Cambodia? My super cool funky ones? I have a back up pair but it's an old prescription and I think it hinder my ability to see stairs.

This is like old world DARK town with NO street signs. I had my first breakdown! (Check! Check!) I started to cry. Me wiping my eyes, wandering to and fro. And the dog. To be fair, he seemed very concerned though.

I sucked it up and started walking. Well, dragging and pausing every 20 steps or so to catch my breath and have myself a little pity party. WHY did I pick the ONE town of the 5 that isn't at sea level????

I found this picture online. Those are the train tracks and this pic is probably 2/3rds of the way there.

Anyhow. I made it. My room is super cute and has a gorgeous view. I have my own little kitchen (just bought pasta, parmesean, beans and tomatoes and some unidentified lemon-flavored sweet treat. Oh, and limoncello. I just couldn't do the Grappa quite yet...) and my own little veranda. I just did laundry and it's flapping on the clothesline as we speak. Nobody in Europe has a dryer, I've discovered, so you see undies, sheets, t-shirts out on the lines wherever you go.

The only internet I found is a pay per minute with their own computers. I won't be able to upload my own pics until I get to my next destination. I'm thinking Florence. Regardless, I decided to stay here three nights instead of two so I could have today to recover (from the steps) and then tomorrow to do the Cinque Terre walk. It's sunny, if cold, and the views are amazing. My 'landlady' is super sweet and brought me oranges from her garden this morning.

This town is full of toothless old men and hunched over old ladies, coming from church and chatting in the streets. Well, FULL being a relative term... Everybody is quick to smile and say things in Italian to me. I think they're saying hello or good morning or something nice. I suppose I should write down some phrases so that smiling and nodding isn't my only form of communication.

Off for some food and more of my favorite activity: wandering. Ciao!

1 comment:

  1. Can I just tell you that you are my hero? Sending lots of love your way, Krista! If anything, you certainly have buns of steel after that, let's hope that getting down the steps will be easier.
