Yes, I'll miss The Real Housewives and Top Chef and whatever other new show I'm bound to be addicted to *BUT* I'm doing something better. I got off my stripey-tight covered butt and am hitting the road!

It only takes 158 days or so, 6 different UW program changes, 2 jumbo-sized boxes of tissues, 3 surprise vaccinations, countless re-packing of your backpack and your entire piddley life savings to get to Cambodia, Thailand, France, Italy, Spain and New Zealand... Wowie bun bun!

Let's see how I do...

Monday, December 28, 2009

Where Am I???

Greetings! I write this from the Incheon Airport in Korea where we have a layover for the next 14 hours. Fortunately, the awesome Asiana Air has a lounge with fancy recliners, a shower station, nursing station (as in "babies", not "OR stat!") and internet access... So HI!

We've been traveling since 5 pm on the 27th. What day is it now? It's almost 6 am on the 29th here and I have no idea what that translates to back home. Gwenn got a little giddy on the plane which could be attributed to exhaustion OR the two mini bottles of vodka added to her diet coke before take-off. We watched "Up" early in the flight and discovered her plane personality was remarkably like the boy, Russell, in the movie- super chatty, energetic, inquisitive and, um, just a teensy bit annoying. And just now she just upped the ante by saying "what's this??" as she pushed the "off" button on this very computer as I was typing. Blip blop boop. Black screen. Oops. Somebody isn't operating all ten brain cells today.

To be fair, neither am I though. I can't wait for an actual bed (sometime after we land in Phnom Penh at 11 tonight) and a soak in the tub before enduring the next leg of our journey. Gwenn just told me it's a 5 hour bus ride to Siem Riep, where we'll be staying for the next several days. It's snowy here in Korea but I hear it's in the 90's in Cambodia. So glad I wore my boots!

OH! OH! OH! I almost forgot the best part of the trip so far! We saw Rhiana at JFK! She was clearing security the special round-about way as we were waiting in the horrendous line. I was determined to find her once we got through but no such luck. I didn't want an autograph or anything. I just wanted to be her BFF. Is that too much?

A side note about Kim Chee: It's the only food I've ever spit out. Seriously. Now I know what they did with the 40 pounds of poop taken from that guy's colon at the Mutter Museum. Ug.

Speaking of! I have so much to update. My goodness. Do I go all the way back to our trip to Philadelphia? (It was lovely! Fell in love with the city. Seeing Kristin and Mark was great. Did the macabre Mutter Museum. Had a blast and ate cheesesteaks.) My visit with my family in Chicago? (Also great! Lots of games and new Scrabble bingo record. By me. Hang time and laughter and lots and lots of food.) My trip back to Hartford and then NYC? (Did you know the Wendy's triple Baconator meal has 1,850 calories? Learned that on our only detour before the airport. 4 hours early, just to be safe.) I guess that's an easy way to bring us up to date.

Off to nap. Hopefully. Only 13 hours left to go!

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