Yes, I'll miss The Real Housewives and Top Chef and whatever other new show I'm bound to be addicted to *BUT* I'm doing something better. I got off my stripey-tight covered butt and am hitting the road!

It only takes 158 days or so, 6 different UW program changes, 2 jumbo-sized boxes of tissues, 3 surprise vaccinations, countless re-packing of your backpack and your entire piddley life savings to get to Cambodia, Thailand, France, Italy, Spain and New Zealand... Wowie bun bun!

Let's see how I do...

Saturday, March 20, 2010


I went and saw some cats! Ok, no. So, I actually went and did some exploring around Granada. We have this big thing here called "Alhambra". I don't know if you've heard of it, but it's kind of a big deal. Something big like religion in Spain started here, I think. And Christopher Columbus got his marching orders from within these walls. There's a lot more to it but silly me, I went to see it before doing ANY research. So what did I see?

Toursists. And lots of them.

Pretty things.

Lots of kids on school tours.

The most amazing views of Granada. (That, and lots of rain.)
Pretty little ponds with fishies in them.

Meticulously detailed bits of architecture. Sure wish I knew what this was all about! (Grumble grumble.)

Pretty things outside.

Hey! Did you see my new rain boots? And my matching rain-soaked upper half?

I also visited the Sacromonte area, which is our gypsy quarter. There are great views of Alhambra (on the left there somewhere) and the city below. I went with a group from my school. One of the professors gave a tour of the area, Sacromonte itself (which is a huge church/school/neighborhood kind of thing) and lots of historical antecdotes. Sacromonte is where the Semana Santa procession ends. Semana Santa is one of the things Andalucia (this part of the country) is famous for. Hundreds of people pour into the streets to hoist and carry a giant effigy of a religious figure on a 12 hour+ long procession through the city. This is also when you can see a bunch of people dressed like KKK members. (I think the KKK borrowed their outfits from this religious ceremony. Apparently this little detail makes for some terrified tourists when they unknowingly stumble across this fiesta.) We got to see the artifacts as they were preparing them for their big day. What a treat, since I won't be here to see it firsthand!

More Sacromonte. This part of Granada is where all the cave homes are. Yes, for less than $100 a night, you too can stay in a cave-house. Bring your own pelt.

We've had some blue skies and warm weather in Granada. What a lovely March surprise!

Right by the big cathedral in Granada. I enjoyed a fantastic schwarma sammy while soaking up some sun. I have 7 new freckles!

This is my school. Pretty nice, huh?
You'd never know that behind that window (the one smack in the middle) lives one of the meanest teachers ever. Yesterday she told me I never listen (NUNCA!) because I left an accent on one of my preterito indefinidos. Seriously. I'm so glad I only have two more days of class. I've decided to send a big fat complaint letter instead of the big fat middle finger I dream of sending. (After I get my final grade, of course.) I'm just so over being treated that way for no good reason. Let alone PAYING for it. We had a big study session today for our final on Monday and everybody was sharing their horror story about Nieves. Apparently she threatened the missionary with a lower grade if she kept speaking English during the breaks. (My fellow classmate was having a hard time finding the words in Spanish to explain she was so tired that day because her uncle had just died and she spent the night on the phone with her family.) At least I'm not alone in my misery.
Anyway. It's my last weekend in Granada! I can't believe two months has already gone by. It's never what you think it will be, but it's been great. I didn't do tapas every night or make a ton of Spanish friends but I did have a lot of time to just be here. I'm so excited about my week traveling through Spain before I head to New Zealand! The next chapter begins!

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